The freelance job market is growing every year as people seek more flexible working arrangements and more time to pursue their interests. And careers that give them greater autonomy and control over their time and income. This trend has left many wondering if the world of freelancers is a better fit for their lifestyle. But, with such a growth in self-employment, the competition for jobs is very high. Hence, we must constantly learn new skills and evolve to compete.

The learning process is related to three elements:

  • Learning and memory will be facilitated with positive emotional contexts.
  • The attention. Novelty and curiosity are determining factors in learning. For this reason, the classes must be structured in blocks, the initial one that attracts attention, the following block to debate and reflect on the subject, and the last one to summarize and draw conclusions.
  • The memory. It is memorized when we activate short-term memory and pass information to long-term memory, and this process requires practice and time.

Are you considering becoming a freelancer? or are you already doing so? On the side of your regular work, you will find quite a few valuable skills that you need to know to do well in this field.

Below are the Top five freelance skills that you can learn online.

  • Graphic Design
  • Photography & Videography
  • Social Media Manager
  • Website Developer (Software Engineers Coders, Developers & Programmers)
  • Writing (Copywriting, Content Marketing, Report Writing)

Graphic Design

Learning to become a graphic designer can be challenging and time-consuming, but it’s one of the most rewarding jobs today. Luckily, if you want to become an expert in your own right, many different platforms and tools make the process more accessible.

  • Skillshare offers a variety of classes, including web design and graphic design. Students can take different classes at different price points depending on their current skill level.
  • Udemy, for teaching and learning online, is a global marketplace. It has an extensive catalog of online courses that you can take entirely in your browser. When it comes to learning graphic design and digital marketing, Udemy offers dozens of free courses.
  • Except this Youtube is the best platform for learning accessible, you can find many best channels of graphics design there.

Photography & Videography

Understanding the world of photography and videography can be a daunting task, especially if you’re starting. But, there are many ways to learn all the basics to jump into this exciting field.

  • The Photographers Network offers a free 12-part course on digital photography geared toward both amateur and professional photographers.
  • Cinematography for films, documentaries, and Videos by Lynda is also a good source of learning.
  • Learning Final Cut Pro X by Apple will help beginners quickly get up and running with Final Cut Pro X. You’ll learn how to import, edit, sync, and fine-tune your project.

Social Media Manager

As social media becomes an essential part of business marketing and communication, more companies are taking advantage of social media managers to help create and implement their social media strategy.

  • Salesforce Social Studio is an app made by Salesforce and is one of several social media management tools available on AppExchange.
  • HubSpot has many courses that walk you through managing various aspects of your marketing campaigns and social media efforts.

Website Developer (Software Engineers Coders, Developers & Programmers)

Startups and companies worldwide are looking to hire developers and programmers of all skill levels, from entry-level coders to software engineers to senior and lead developers who have the experience and the know-how to plan, build, and manage entire projects on their own. Below described free courses will help you polish your skills.

  • Udemy is a free platform where you can learn a lot of programming.
  • is also suitable for learning free coding.
  • Coursera and are also good platforms for learning free coding.

Writing (Copywriting, Content Marketing, Report Writing)

Over your competitors, to gain an advantage, it’s essential to have proper knowledge in writing and content marketing. Fortunately, many free online platforms offer courses and lessons that can help you improve your skills in both areas.

·         Skillshare, Udemy, Hubspot, and are excellent platforms for learning free Copywriting, Content Marketing, and Report Writing.


Finally, freelancing is hard to come by without constant growth in skills, relevant certifications, knowledge, and perseverance. But if you slowly build your brand and strive for excellence, you can become a freelancer building a solid career. From there, the possibilities are endless. So, guys, we have discussed those online platforms where you can learn free skills or polish your skills.

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