In the era of the ubiquity of the Internet, professions that make it possible to earn money remotely are becoming more and more popular. By the way, in 2021, the career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He will tell you what professions suit you and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence. Competition has increased in demanding skills for independent work. It was easy to get a job in the past. But now is the time to be a pro in your skill. You have to sharpen your skills to get work daily.

As more and more workers move into the gig economy, meaning they prefer freelancing, it’s essential to know what skills will help them land a job as a freelancer.

Accessible and valuable skills that you can learn

·        VoiceOver

67% of CMOs say they want to increase their digital ad spending. According to Gartner, the demand for VoiceOver professionals is increasing as companies increasingly move away from agencies and into freelancers.

·        Photoshop

You will gain an instrumental skill for working with images by learning Photoshop. It is a skill that can take you to design logos and other graphics for web portals or marketing materials from photo retouching.

·        Communication skills

Today people are looking for people capable of listening, observing, understanding, and relating ideas effectively to design strategies for teamwork, that is, people with excellent communication skills.

This should be shown with a clear and concise resume. Include any experience you have had speaking in public or have written projects. It is incredibly positive that you know how to communicate verbally and in writing.

·        Writing skills

Sometimes I used to hire a content writer for a unique piece of content. When I needed quality and unique content for my audience. Many people have websites that offer various tips and tricks. But they don’t have excellent writing skills to grow their audience. They do not have the quality content that captures the traffic.

This is when they hire different freelancers to write SEO-friendly articles. Content writers have paid more than expected. If you think you have racy writing skills, then go ahead. Try writing some guest posts. Promote yourself on social media platforms. You can also build your portfolio by writing for someone or your blog. In the freelancing sense, writing skills are one of the easiest and most demanding on any platform.

·        Learn to use WordPress

WordPress has become a tool for managing blogs and web portals. Gaining the ability to use WordPress can help you create a personal blog and make yourself known to the world to access your future job or create a successful blog that allows you to live the life you want.

·        Microsoft Office

Thorough knowledge of the Microsoft Office package. Do many people wonder why a freelancer needs to know the rules for using Microsoft Office if his line of work does not involve the use of Word, Excel, or PowerPoint? Everything is simple. Freelancers often need to draw up technical specifications and reports and write explanatory notes, and they cannot do without Microsoft Office programs.

A competitive advantage for a freelancer will be knowledge of Word or Excel. You can quickly deal with text documents and spreadsheets with these text editors. And on freelance exchanges, for example, on Author24, many highly-paid projects involve creating presentations.

·        Video editor

The video editing is the profession in demand on the Internet. His duties may include dubbing videos, removing unwanted noise and bad frames, adding special effects, titles, etc.

You need a powerful computer with a high-quality video card for video editing. A person who wants to work in this area must have good skills with specialized programs. You can learn this essential skill in a short time and gradually improve your skills.

·        Content strategy

Like art direction, marketing departments are looking for professionals who can strategize and manage content across all channels.

·        Graphic design

This is one of the most popular and demanding skills. In this, you have to design brochures, company logos, banners, flyers, etc. I admit that graphic design for print purposes is near the end. But digital work is not going anywhere in the next 100 years quickly. If you are a graphic designer or want to be, you should improve your Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel Draw skills. This is one of the most popular software used for graphic design purposes. If you are working on all 99 designs, then for a single logo, you will be paid more than you bargained for.


Today you can get almost any skill for free by learning online. We live in a time in history where education is available to anyone who can access a computer and the Internet. Almost anything can be learned.

If you want to obtain a skill, not on the previous list, the seven best websites to take free online courses are here. Good luck!

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