Author page: Sarah Petterson

How Can We Make Money Online as a Freelancer?

How Can We Make Money Online as a Freelancer?

Getting to work from anywhere, setting your own rules, not worrying about office politics, and spending more time with your family and friends are all huge benefits of being a freelancer and Make Money Online. You will also live a nomad’s life if you don’t have a steady job and move from project to project, always searching for new employers.…

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Best Strategies to Save Money as a Freelancer

Best Strategies to Save Money as a Freelancer

Operating a freelance business is similar to running a company, except you have to fill all vacancies. Most companies worry about how they can save money and what happens to their money. A freelancer’s diligent work often wishes you had more savings to cover unexpected expenses or invest for growth. Here are some effective strategies to save money as a…

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How Many Freelancers Make?

How Many Freelancers Make?

When I tell someone my source of earnings, people always ask me this question. The next question is usually: How can you make $5000 a month as a freelancer? It may not seem like much to you, but it’s quite a bit in a country like Sri Lanka. This salary is about ten times greater than one earned by an…

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Discover the Top Easy Freelancer Skills

Discover the Top Easy Freelancer Skills

In the era of the ubiquity of the Internet, professions that make it possible to earn money remotely are becoming more and more popular. By the way, in 2021, the career guidance center developed an accurate career guidance test. He will tell you what professions suit you and give an opinion about your personality type and intelligence. Competition has increased…

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